Good Luck Prayer For Gambling

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Lakshmi is the Hindu Goddess of wealth and prosperity. She is probably the most celebrated deity on this list. Still worshipped today, Lakshmi is usually linked to Hindu traditions but is also important in Jainism and within Buddhism.

Good Luck Prayer For Gambling

Not bad going to be worshipped by three different religions for well over a couple of thousand years! She is the eternal consort of Vishnu, perhaps the most important god in Hinduism, and serves as the source of his strength. She came from the churning seas of the primordial ocean and ever since has served as a symbol of good fortune and prosperity.

A Prayer for Luck in Public Health Crisis Dear God, no sickness or disease can exist in Your presence. You heal by Your very word. Alas, a grave illness has broken out upon the earth. It is causing great chaos among the nations as governments and leaders attend to slow its spread. Lord, I pray for good luck amid this public health crisis. If you ask for wealth, he can bless you in many other different ways, like health. Remember, God has your best interests at heart and wants to see you prosper. Be specific in your prayers. Pray profusely and know that God loves you, and you deserve his gift of financial assistance. It’s because of Hermes’ reputation as a cunning trickster and his ability to outsmart the other gods that he has been adopted as the God of gambling. Hermes has been called crafty, a thief and a cheat, but people have prayed to him for good luck since he invented dice, according to Greek legend. Now that you've bought the lottery ticket, it's time for you to start praying. Think of your prayer as if it's you putting in an order at McDonald's. Simply ask God what you want and be specific, so he can get your order correct. Unlike McDonald's, God's supply is plentiful. Light gambling: If you gamble every day, like lets say scratch off, or lotto tickets,I would say read the gambling prayer, 3x daily. Morning, noon, night. Heavy Gambling: If you are taking a random trip to the casino, in the hopes of winning big, I would say, read the prayer for 3 days straight, 3 times a day before the date of your casino.

However, despite her ability to bring luck, she is just as happy to scorn those who deserve it. When Indra, the god of war, became too arrogant, she hid at the bottom of the sea for a thousand years, leaving him in a losing battle against the attacking demons. Indra had to make amends for his mistakes for a millennium but eventually, the gods raised her from the ocean to help defeat the attackers.

This is a cautionary tale. While she is quick to reward those who deserve her gifts, Lakshmi is just as swift to bring a terrible fate to those who are unworthy. Even the gods suffer when she deems them too greedy!


Hermes is the Greek God of gambling, among numerous other things. You might have already heard of Hermes. He’s the Greek messenger to the gods with a little round hat and winged sandals. He lives upon Mount Olympus with his dad Zeus and the 11 other Olympians.

As soon as his mom, Maia, gave birth to him, it was clear he was special. Hermes was conceived, born and grew up in the course of one day. Hermes is known as the ‘divine trickster’, and it turns out he was up to his cheeky antics from day one.

Hermes stole his half-brother’s cattle and invented the lyre before the first day was out! It’s because of Hermes’ reputation as a cunning trickster and his ability to outsmart the other gods that he has been adopted as the God of gambling.

Hermes has been called crafty, a thief and a cheat, but people have prayed to him for good luck since he invented dice, according to Greek legend.


Macuilxochitl is the Aztec God who presides over gambling. He is one of five deities who represent excess and indulgence. The number five also represents this idea of excess in Aztec culture.

The name Macuilxochitl literally means ‘five flower’. Every one of these five deities has a name beginning with the number five. They are also the names of days in the Aztec calendar, known as the ‘tonalpohualli’.

Macuilxochitl, who is also known as Xochipilli, or ‘flower prince’ is a god of many things. This god presides over some of the most wonderful and creative pleasures in life. Music, dancing, painting, writing, feasts, games and indeed gambling are all associated with this god.

Macuilxochitl does not come without danger though and is the one who draws the line between pleasure and excess. Those who have indulged inappropriately could be on the receiving end of boils, haemorrhoids and venereal disease!

This sure is a god that you’d want to stay on the nice side of, so we can see why the Aztec people prayed and even gave sacrifices to Macuilxochitl.


Nohoilpi is the Navajo God of gambling, and is known as the Great Gambler. Always shrouded in myth, Nohoilpi loved to play games, and was good at them too, for he would always win.

He wore a huge turquoise talisman – every gambler likes to have a lucky charm. He would go about challenging people to games that he knew full well he’d win.

After some time, used to winning bet after bet and getting whatever he pleased in the process, Nohoilpi had gotten cocky. By this point, he had won houses and even the families who lived in them. He enslaved these poor people and used them to build a city in honor.

This abuse did not go unnoticed though. Other Navajo deities spotted his evil deeds and came up with a plan to teach him a lesson. During a night of mystical singing and dancing, the gods gave an ordinary man special gambling powers, so that he might beat Nohoilpi and win the freedom of all those who had enslaved. With their help the man won, stripping Nohoilpi of everything he had.

The people were freed and Nohoilpi was sent away, up into the sky. This cautionary tale serves as a useful lesson for even the best gambler – greed has its consequences and no one, not even a god of gambling, is invincible!


Nezha is the mischievous Chinese god of gambling and fortune. He is said to reveal winning lottery numbers.

Nezha was sent to his mom’s womb by the Jade Emperor to defeat the demons on earth. His mom, Lady Yin, was pregnant for three and a half years before finally giving birth to a ball of flesh.

His dad, Li Jing, was livid, thinking that it was some kind of demon. Drawing his sword, he attacked the fleshy ball and split it in two. Out came Nezha, not as a wailing infant, but a walking, talking boy!

One day, Nezha was playing in the sea with some other little children. In a mistaken incident, Nezha accidentally killed the son of Ao Guang. This was terrible news, for Ao Guang was none other than the East Sea Dragon King. The King was angry and threatened a great flood. Nezha had brought much shame on his family, so the little boy committed suicide.

This wasn’t the end for Nezha though. His teacher Taiyi Zhenren brought him back to life with some creative additions – a bit like Dr Tenma did for Astro Boy. Nezha now had a fire-tipped spear and a pair of wind fire wheels! He particularly enjoyed using these to fight with his dad, who still hadn’t forgiven him.

Thoth – Hermes’ Egyptian Counterpart

Thoth is the Egyptian god of the moon, wisdom, magic and time. Gambling also comes under his supervision as well.


Even if you’ve never heard of Thoth before, you’re bound to recognize him. This Egyptian god is typically portrayed with the body of a man and the head of an ibis bird. He is also the god of inventing writing.

Thoth was thought of by some as the Egyptian counterpart to Hermes, as they share many similarities. In fact, both Thoth and Hermes were worshipped together in the Temple of Thoth in Khemenu, also known as Hermopolis! Unlike Hermes, he doesn’t have a mom or dad, because he created himself.

All of the Gods of Gambling from Around the World

Do you think you deserve the attention of the gods? They may often punish those who are too greedy, but if you are deemed worthy then you can always hope they lend you some of their divine luck.

Here is a list of all gods of gambling:

Good luck prayer for gambling losses
  • Lakshmi – The Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity
  • Hermes – The Greek god of gambling
  • Mercury – The Roman name for Hermes
  • Fortuna – The Roman goddess of fortune and gambling
  • Macuilxochitl – The Aztec god of gambling and games
  • Nohoilpi – The Navaho god of gambling
  • Nezha – The Chinese god of gambling and fortune
  • Thoth – The Egyptian god of gambling, magic and time

Although he is not a god, there is another heavenly figure associated with gambling and luck. Saint Cajetan is the patron saint of gamblers in the Catholic Church. Interestingly, he is also known as the patron saint of bankers, the unemployed, workers, gamers and Argentina.

Which of These Gods Will Help Your Gambling Luck?

Pick one, or all of the most famous gambling gods, and pray they can provide you with the luck you deserve! While praying is not a sure way to win at luck-based games, you’ll at least know that you’re not alone in asking the gods for help.

When you are feeling down on your luck, all you need do is look above. Here are 11 powerful prayers for good luck. Along with the prayers are printable images for you to use or share.

A Prayer for Luck in Public Health Crisis
Dear God, no sickness or disease can exist in Your presence. You heal by Your very word. Alas, a grave illness has broken out upon the earth. It is causing great chaos among the nations as governments and leaders attend to slow its spread. Lord, I pray for good luck amid this public health crisis. Shield my family and friends from the scourge of this disease. Give us wisdom and good fortune to be at the right place at the right time. For only You have the power to provide an answer to this sickness. Grant this to Your servant, Lord. Amen.


Good Fortune Prayer
Lord God, like any loving Father, You want the best for Your children. You teach us what unconditional love is through Your son Jesus. Thus, I pray for Your good favor in this life. Give me the means and circumstances to care for my family, property, and neighbor. Give me a thankful disposition so that I may not forget that You are the hand that provides all things. Above all, allow me to endure all things with the fruit of Your holy spirit, which You have poured out on all people. Amen.

A Prayer to Open Doors
Lord Jesus, nothing good in this world comes apart from Your gracious hand. Despite my efforts, I cannot change my fate. No amount of planning or preparation can add a single day to my life. Therefore, bless me, Lord. Give me good health and well-being. Open doors in my life that lead to a good fortune so that all my endeavors in this life might be glorifying to You. I pray this in Your boundless mercy. Amen.

Good Luck Prayer For Gambling Card Game

A Prayer for Financial Fortune
All-powerful Father, You teach us in Your word to be good stewards of money. Yet, it seems that my financial situation is dire. Every time I seem to get ahead, I run into some sort of calamity which puts financial stress upon me. I want to be able to be financially stable, Lord, so that I can be a good witness to my family and financially help my neighbor. Therefore, I pray for good luck and financial strength. Keep and uphold my house, vehicle, and place of employment so that I can make the most of every dollar I earn. Help me to be a better steward of money so that I can better serve You. Amen.

A Prayer to Avoid Calamity
Righteous Savior, I feel so often as if misfortune seems to follow me. What’s worse is that it seems that the wicked prosper, while Your servant is downtrodden. I do not know if I can handle another setback. Therefore, guard me against all calamity. Give me the wisdom and the foresight to avoid bad decisions, and place myself in a position to be more fortunate. God grant me this prayer. Amen.

A Prayer for Favor
Eternal Father, let me boldly approach Your throne of grace to petition Your good favor. I beg of You to set my path before me. Layout my steps that I might walk in Your blessed light. Send Your traveling mercies to preserve me in all my comings and goings. Surely, Your graciousness shall follow me during even the darkest moments of my life. Therefore, do not turn Your face away from me, but continue to smile upon me so that others might see Your wonderful deeds in my life and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Shine Upon Me Prayer
God of Increase, it is within You that we live, move, and have our being. From You, all life comes, and all abundance prospers. Therefore, I ask that You shield me from all folly and carelessness. Give me wisdom and good fortune, so that I can apply sound principles according to Your statutes. Help me to meditate on Your commands, so that I am not tempted to fall into the Devil’s snares. Shine upon me with Your renewing grace and give me a sound and sober mind. Amen.

A Prayer for Better Luck
Lord of the Highest Heavens, remember not my transgressions and forgive me of my many transgressions with which I have ever offended You. I need Your powerful hand to manifest in my life. I have made bad decisions. I have squandered the good gifts You have given me and I want to do better. Lord, send better luck my way so that I have more opportunity to redeem my situation. Send solid friends and mentors into my life who can help me get back on my feet. You are a God who never fails to keep His promises. Amen.

A Prayer for Divine Provision
Heavenly Father, who can explain Your ways or understand Your nature? You are a God who defies all explanation. You weave Your providence through the universe in incredible ways. Lord, I pray that You weave Yourself into the tapestry of my life. Provide good luck and opportunity for my family, that we might have greater means to spread Your gospel to all we encounter. Amen.

A Prayer for a Special Opportunity
Faithful God, there sits before me an opportunity that I am very excited about. Although I am excited and thankful for this opportunity, I am nervous about being able to execute it to the best of my ability. Therefore, I ask that You send Your Holy Spirit to guide and uphold me. Provide for me the right words to say and good luck for the endeavor. Help me to network with the right people, so that I can make the most of the opportunity that You have provided. Lord, in Your mercy, hear my prayer. Amen.

A Prayer to Change My Situation
Lord Jesus, my Savior, I am thankful for all the good things You have given me. I have my health, my family, friends, and a loving church community. However, I feel as though I am stagnant in my situation. I have not experienced growth or any good luck in quite some time. My financial situation is not good. Thus, I petition You to radically shake things up in my life. Give me good luck and better spirits, that I might be in a position to receive good fortune through Your providing hand. Amen.

Good Luck Prayer For Gambling Advice

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Good Luck Prayer For Gambling Money

Author Bio
Natalie Regoli is a child of God, devoted wife, and mother of two boys. She has a Masters Degree in Law from The University of Texas. Natalie has been published in several national journals and has been practicing law for 18 years. If you would like to reach out to contact Natalie, then go here to send her a message.